The chronicles of a veterinary student, foodie and self-proclaimed geek
The chronicles of a veterinary student, foodie and self-proclaimed geek

Monday, September 27, 2004


Religious Right? Wrong!

Does God take sides?


Here's what Sojourners says about evaluating a candidate:

We are not single-issue voters.

We believe that poverty - caring for the poor and vulnerable - is a religious issue. Do the candidates' budget and tax policies reward the rich or show compassion for poor families? Do their foreign policies include fair trade and debt cancellation for the poorest countries? (Matthew 25:35-40, Isaiah 10:1-2)

We believe that the environment - caring for God's earth - is a religious issue. Do the candidates' policies protect the creation or serve corporate interests that damage it? (Genesis 2:15, Psalm 24:1)

We believe that war - and our call to be peacemakers - is a religious issue. Do the candidates' policies pursue "wars of choice" or respect international law and cooperation in responding to real global threats? (Matthew 5:9)

We believe that truth-telling is a religious issue. Do the candidates tell the truth in justifying war and in other foreign and domestic policies? (John 8:32)

We believe that human rights - respecting the image of God in every person - is a religious issue. How do the candidates propose to change the attitudes and policies that led to the abuse and torture of Iraqi prisoners? (Genesis 1:27)

We believe that our response to terrorism is a religious issue. Do the candidates adopt the dangerous language of righteous empire in the war on terrorism and confuse the roles of God, church, and nation? Do the candidates see evil only in our enemies but never in our own policies? (Matthew 6:33, Proverbs 8:12-13 )

We believe that a consistent ethic of human life is a religious issue. Do the candidates' positions on abortion, capital punishment, euthanasia, weapons of mass destruction, HIV/AIDS-and other pandemics-and genocide around the world obey the biblical injunction to choose life? (Deuteronomy 30:19)

Dana Lee 15:25


Mental Floss

Sir Arhtur Conan Doyle
Study in Scarlet

Listening to:
Radio Paradise

The Shins

Classical Gas
Leader of the Band
Fire and Rain


Vet stuff:
UI College of Vet Med
Pet Columns

News, politics, culture, religion:
The Guardian
The Chicago Tribune
The NY Times
The Washington Post
BBC News
Project Censored
Back to Iraq

Raw Recipes

For Fun:
The Onion
Museum of Medical Quackery

Ten Years
Best of 2003

Animal Planet
PBS Nature
Nature Songs

Guitar Tabs
Play by Ear

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