The chronicles of a veterinary student, foodie and self-proclaimed geek
The chronicles of a veterinary student, foodie and self-proclaimed geek

Monday, December 15, 2003

Finals Update

Nix the hope for getting two A's. I did the math again, and there's no way I can get an A in Neuro. If I get perfect scores on both of these last exams, I'd still be short a few points. Poop. At the rate I'm going, I should be thankful if I get straight B's, because it sounds like the Histo exam is going to be pretty tough. . .there's so much information.

But this stuff isn't that hard. I don't understand. I was a much better student when I was taking tougher classes--Immunology and human physiology in undergrad were harder (next to impossible) than the classes I have now, and I got A's on all those exams. I was also better at keeping track of my non-academic reponsibilities--yesterday I forgot that I was supposed to check on Pyxis (who, by the way, is doing well after her surgery)--I never wrote it down in my planner. I feel like kicking myslef.

What's my problem? After talking with Linea just now I learned that she was a better student when she was busier. I think I was more motivated to study when the classes were a bit more challenging and I was working part-time. My theory: When you have more to do, the days seem longer, so in essence, you feel like you have more time in the day to do stuff.

On a similar note, you know what's really pathetic? I was looking through the binders my big sib gave me and leafed through some old exams from 1998 and earlier--and the exams were at least twice as hard as they've been this year. Even more pathetic: I'd probably be doing better if we had those kinds of exams now. I don't know what it is--I think when professors write tough exams that require written answers, I feel more challenged, like I need to completely understand every detail--so that's what I do. Even If I never get the A, I learn more from the nit-picky professors.

I have two questions eating at me:
1) What's wrong with me?
2) Why do the exams we're given now seem "watered-down" next to the ones from the past?

Well, all I know is I need to stop whining and pick up my motivation. I think some of the classes next semester will be more detail-oriented, the professors more nit-picky. That may help put me in a more competetive mode. And maybe I should get a 10 hr/week job. . .

Dana Lee 16:03


Mental Floss

Sir Arhtur Conan Doyle
Study in Scarlet

Listening to:
Radio Paradise

The Shins

Classical Gas
Leader of the Band
Fire and Rain


Vet stuff:
UI College of Vet Med
Pet Columns

News, politics, culture, religion:
The Guardian
The Chicago Tribune
The NY Times
The Washington Post
BBC News
Project Censored
Back to Iraq

Raw Recipes

For Fun:
The Onion
Museum of Medical Quackery

Ten Years
Best of 2003

Animal Planet
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